My coaching approach is based on understanding the kind of relationship dynamic we have and continuously are creating with our inner GPS — our built-in guidance system of our thoughts, feelings and instincts. The way we interact and communicate with ourselves is through our thoughts, feelings and instincts. Truly understanding this is what makes all the difference for us in creating the life we really want.
You are the driver who is plugging in destinations into your GPS; you do this with your focus of attention on all sorts of things in life — the things you want and those you don’t want. Your GPS wants to please you and guide you to your destinations by taking you on the easiest, smoothest and fastest route in getting you there. Similar to with a physical GPS, when you don’t follow its guidance and decide to go left instead of right or continue straight instead of turning as per its directions, you will not get to your desired destination that you yourself plugged into it.
Ideally, what we really want to be doing is clarifying with ourselves what destinations we’d like to plug into our GPS in the first place so we can grant it a clear purpose and the clarity it needs in order to give us the right aligned plan of action for us to take to get us there.
When I write here “destinations”, I am referring to the emotional destinations first and foremost. Once we plug those in, we know exactly which physical actions to take or not to take that will guide us to where we really want to go — to the places, people, experiences, etc. that are going to be in perfect alignment with our emotional destinations.
I help you tap into yourself, connect to the highest parts of you and recognize what you really want in life and what has been holding you back up until now from getting those things in actuality, and then together we come up with your aligned next steps to take (or not to take) to make the reality you want real.
If this sounds good to you, reach out! I’d love to hear from you!